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Josie Coco
4 min read
Luxuriate in exquisite simplicity
One of my greatest accomplishments is realising that living simply could mean that I enjoyed the luxury of simple pleasures ...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Fill the gap in your bank balance with creativity
The inner journey brings a confidence that enables you to access your creativity
Josie Coco
3 min read
Colour that you love is your vibrational medicine
Colour is vibrational in nature, and for that reason, it is your vibrational medicine.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Love yourself to wellness
The one gem I take from today's inspiration is to never underestimate the power of love.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Infinite knowledge through stillness and silence
One way of examining our inner truth is to look to our role models.
Who do we admire and what characteristics do they espouse ...
Josie Coco
3 min read
The elegance of less
Such a great opportunity to strip back our lives to the bare essentials, stand back and take a long look at what's left.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Searching for meaningful elements of personal panache
Do you every think you might have taken a different path? Maybe you had a desire to do something completely different.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Take time, feel into it
By simply slowing down, experiencing everything that is there to be experienced, we are able to access our creativity for imaginative ...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Imagination is more important than knowledge
There's no way on God's green earth that staying at home with children would look like home-schooling to me.
Josie Coco
3 min read
When pointless priorities give way
It's fascinating to observe the non-essentials in life fall away and the important services highlighted
Josie Coco
3 min read
The confidence to commit to your style emerges with authenticity
Until we reach into that authenticity, until we really know ourselves, we've always got someone else's opinion driving our choices.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Getting comfy in isolation
Self-mastery is about noticing yourself, being curious about what you're drawn to, without judgement.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Expect the unexpected and take action now
At this time the next step to building resilience is to think ahead, expect the unexpected, and figure out how you can make the most of ...
Josie Coco
5 min read
Living simply enables you to navigate uncertain times
The key with managing your finances in these times is communication, the biggest challenge is overcoming your fear and anxiety of being...
Josie Coco
3 min read
We are always enacting our stories
Here's what's even more important. Not so much the communication that other people receive, but what we notice ourselves.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Your reflection is all around you
Are there stories of following fashion, memories of heartbreak, sister's hand-me-downs?
Josie Coco
3 min read
It's okay to have down days
I learned a few things about blues days; they come and go, they don't last forever, they sometimes have a message and sometimes they...
Josie Coco
3 min read
My best is good enough
Being the best version of ourselves is a process, not a destination, it's not the end product.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Authentically imperfect is deliciously human
Is there merit in the idea of tricking your subconscious by using your imagination to pretend you are something you're not.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Can you really be anything you want to be?
As a therapist I can't make a generalisation about what ensures a person has good self-esteem nor confidence.
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