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Josie Coco
3 min read
As within, so without in beauty and in form
I'm sure there's something I can say about inner transformation bringing more light into your face and your world.
Josie Coco
3 min read
No more faking it until you make it!
Fake it until you make it is so old paradigm and I think, very damaging. Aren't we over that sort of hypocrisy?
Josie Coco
3 min read
What theme weaves its way through your life?
...the things that shaped my life weren't one event or even 2, but a long process of conditioning and attachment problems that shaped my ...
Josie Coco
3 min read
A fabulous style of your own
I am painfully aware of how excruciating it is for many women to get comfortable with the features of their physical make up.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Mirror, mirror, who am I?
If we're not aware of our true nature, this is a good time to check in with it. Observing our reactions will tell us a lot about ourselves.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Self-nurturing in difficult times
You cannot give from an empty cup. Since learning this very useful rule of thumb, and attending to my own self-nurturing, I have disc....
Josie Coco
5 min read
When fear surfaces, meeting the challenge builds resilience
Fear is our signal that we are meeting with a challenge that we are not sure we can handle.
Josie Coco
6 min read
When it comes to weight a mantra is not going to cut it
What was it that was getting in the way of my vision in that mirror that I couldn't see what was obvious to everyone else?
Josie Coco
4 min read
How do I feel? How is this for me?
These are the questions that support increasing self-awareness.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Take time to be real, then dress up
When we connect with how we feel, really make contact with it, we're going to move on from it a lot faster than if we try to suppress it.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Our inner essence naturally radiates to the surface
Own it. Seriously. It's okay to not be perfect for a time, or at all!
Josie Coco
4 min read
Find your hidden glitz, glam or is it boho?
If we don't know how to put together our outside appearance, Sarah reassures us that there's someone who does. That someone is our inner ...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Diving into authenticity
"One is not born a woman, one becomes one," is how Simone De Beauvoir so succinctly put it.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Take this opportunity to indulge yourself!
It's a perfect idea for times like these when you may find yourself sick and isolated.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Fun is seriously good for your health!
Playing is not my forte so I have some training to do. I've forgotten the gift of play and I'm keen to explore this delightful aspect of...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Collect treasures and hopeful projects
Plan to put away any inspiring projects that you don't have time for now, and would like to return to some time in the future.
Josie Coco
4 min read
You will love living an inspired life
Perhaps you are caught up in the daily grind just getting through the day, and there's no room left in your mind to feel inspired.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Just one day, a delicious retreat
You could spend it reading and sipping on herbal tea snuggled up in bed, a vintage hunt through second-hand markets, a crafting day...
Josie Coco
5 min read
Returning to now
Everyday practices can become a form of meditation. Cooking, gardening, walking are some of mine when I want to focus my mind on just one...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Staying present, restoring serenity
The hectic pace of our lives robs us of our serenity, our peace of mind.
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