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Josie Coco
2 min read
Remain curious about the flow of life
Let life's up and downs wash over you. Sit in sadness or anger or worry for just a short time, then allow them to pass.
Josie Coco
3 min read
May you live long
The riches of the world are enticing. I have longed to live more comfortably. Yet here I am. Living well, living simply, living comfortably.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Strive to know yourself
If you don't feel good within, don't settle.
Josie Coco
3 min read
The life we live
It's surprising how much is missed by focussing on what isn't.
Josie Coco
3 min read
The gift of Christmas
It was very different to our usual celebration and here's what I noticed.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Peace on Christmas Eve
The birds are musical, the leaves in the trees are gently swaying and rustling, my cat stirs from her sleep snuggled into the crescent of...
Josie Coco
3 min read
It's an interesting life
It's been a tough and difficult journey. I've had a lot of unravelling to do. In my mind, the early years were crazy making. I've spent a li
Josie Coco
4 min read
Seasonal abundance and joy
Somewhere along the way we screwed up. We developed a taste for fruits and vegetables that are not in season, flowers that won't bloom for..
Josie Coco
3 min read
Summer Solstice 2020
The indigenous peoples have a strong connection with this land, the energies of this land, the unseen and the mystical of this land.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Cheer up! Pollyanna revisited
When we focus on what's wrong we're so attached to our expectations that we can't see the opportunities that arise.
Josie Coco
4 min read
I want to be a wild wise woman
Have you ever witnessed a 92 year old navigating the wi fi pairing for their landline? Whose idea of was that?
Josie Coco
3 min read
Ritual reflections on the year that was
It's a perfect day for inner work. Inner reflection touching on the pain and sorrows of 2020, the joys and jubilations of life changes th...
Josie Coco
3 min read
What else is possible?
I'm entering the 3rd Act. The time when I'm supposed to be retiring and enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of my labours.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Seasonal abundance, and nutritious as well!
The trick is to know the season well and work abreast with the seasonal changes.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Whole body intelligence
I think therefore I am. Can you think if you are not? Is that a possibility? It's fair to say that we still put a lot of emphasis on...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Embracing Christmas rituals
With European parents who hailed from a rich tradition of religious rituals, it was no surprise that they continued to enrich our lives as w
Josie Coco
3 min read
The magic of Christmas dashed
But what if you have a child that's hears that this whole Santa thing is a great big fib that parents tell their children at Christmas?
Josie Coco
3 min read
Christmas shopping
It would have been great to consider this a few months ago, but now's the time to decide how I can delight my friends and family with a...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Are you ready for Christmas?
Next year I'll get it right. I say that each year and then as the Christmas season wears on I completely forget that the best bargains...
Josie Coco
3 min read
I almost wrote, "Woe! The internal conflict over Christmas presents. It would have been just as authentic, if not more!
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