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Josie Coco
4 min read
Christmas with the "c" word
The 2020 family Christmas is promising to look very different to the traditions that youâve established, perhaps over generations.
Josie Coco
3 min read
The wholesome sigh
When we breathe in, we breathe in life. The sights, sounds, feelings, smells and impressions around us.
Josie Coco
4 min read
A priority commitment to wholeness
That means, life is making more sense ... reaching that place of right words, right actions, right time and right place.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Sex and marriage
When I speak with young people today they seem to understand stuff that I didn't have the faintest idea about.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Meeting life with passion
Intense emotions, great enthusiasm. A willingness to suffer for what one loves.
Josie Coco
3 min read
A charmed life
While we are looking out there for examples of how to live our life so that we might enjoy the thrills of charm that comes with status, ...
Josie Coco
4 min read
The illusion of control
There were rules for everything. That's how control works. My way of the highway when you have authority, and living within the narrow ...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Dreams, the mindscape at night
Our dreams at night seem to tell our stories in completely different ways than our thinking mind. Which is kind of a good thing as our...
Josie Coco
5 min read
What women want
Well it kind of depends on where you are in your life.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Always practical is an affliction
Trauma. That sort of remark along with the underlying idea that one should be busy doing practical all the time, working hard to make life..
Josie Coco
5 min read
Frayed minds and heavy hearts
This is how my self-discovery finally began. It became an exciting pass-time to explore my thoughts, my feelings, my perspective, my way.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Moving away or towards thriving, the choice is yours
In 1976 with the advent of self-help books pioneered by Louise Hay's first book, Heal Your Body, we began to hear about the mind, body...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Plan to thrive as you prepare for Christmas
What plans if any do you have to support your overall well-being, and how will you know when to pull back and self-care?
Josie Coco
3 min read
All we have is all we need
I am so grateful for the beauty of the world around me, and the giving that begins in Spring with melons ripening to add to my breakfast
Josie Coco
3 min read
Ditch the parental voice
You want to give up the good girl. You want to find your own rhythm and dance to that. It's tricky though.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Sacred idleness
We've forgotten to stop and enjoy life just as it is. Instead we're reaching for something that we are currently not. We are eager to...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Coming home
One way or another you can't escape that family in which you were born. I know this. I've tried this.
Josie Coco
4 min read
Fields of serendipity
Sarah's inspiration today is to take care to notice the people you meet, and the circumstances you find yourself in. It sounds a bit like...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Survival mode dulls your creativity
Throughout the different modalities and philosophies that I've studied and practiced, the same message. We have a creative centre.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Seasonal summer changes brighten and uplift
My journey towards self-mastery has been an exercise in becoming aware of the simple things that enrich my life. To be mindful of their...
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