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Josie Coco
4 min read
Taming runaway wants
Day 299/366 days Towards Self-Mastery. It's that time of the year when I begin to think about Christmas gifts for family and close...
Josie Coco
7 min read
What's motivating your spending?
All the threats and scare tactics in the world didn't make much difference to my saving efforts.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Paying the bills
Each stroke of the pen across the cheque to render it "not negotiable" should it go astray in the mail, was a painful reminder that money...
Josie Coco
2 min read
A lifestyle too much
Worrying about money is a sign of our times and an indication of living beyond our means.
Josie Coco
2 min read
Worrying the bejesus out of money
For me it boils down to this. Living simply costs less. That means I spend less time worrying about boring jobs to make money to live...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Fewer needs means less compromise
When we live complex lives with a long list of wants we end up feeling as though we are compromising all the time.
Josie Coco
3 min read
How do I compare?
We are life experiencing itself. Life lives through us. We can enjoy this experience if we understand this one simple truth.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Complaining is misdirected focus
Complaining. It's definitely about the cup half empty.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Compliments change lives
There's nothing more rewarding for the giver of compliments than to see a face light up with the recognition of acknowledgement of their...
Josie Coco
2 min read
Seeping out from under my guard, distancing themselves slowly and painfully, tightening my chest and stifling my breathing.
Josie Coco
5 min read
The art of being, and making meaning
My mind only became quiet when I realised that all that chit chat monkey mind was trying to figure things out
Josie Coco
5 min read
Let nature nurture you
I don't know when we departed from nature, but I'm beginning to understand how much we have domesticated our lives which has moved us away..
Josie Coco
2 min read
To be happy at home
To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition - Samuel Johnson
Josie Coco
3 min read
Celebrate your shadow
We all have it, a term coined by Carl Jung, a shadow side that he describes as the parts of ourselves that we don't dare show to others...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Finding time
Racing the clock is for those committed to the rat race, driven by no end of deadlines and schedules.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Going through the
When we don't touch life, when we deny its existence, when we take it for granted that there will be another tomorrow, something is going...
Josie Coco
3 min read
Achieve inner poise
Take the time to fill your own cup, and set your life up in such a way that you continue to replenish your own resources...
Josie Coco
4 min read
Forget about managing stress
How you construct your life will determine how well you cope with life's inevitable stresses.
Josie Coco
3 min read
Choosing to live with depth and meaning
...there's little wonder we soon find ourselves emptying our pockets and our wallets into someone else's welcoming bank accounts.
Josie Coco
3 min read
When drawing boundaries is perfectly natural
Knowing we need boundaries and also knowing deep in our body and nervous system that our boundaries have not been ours to set, ...
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