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Choosing to live with depth and meaning

Writer: Josie CocoJosie Coco

Day 281/366 days Towards Self-Mastery.

Even now when I happen to find myself in a shopping mall or complex of exquisite yummy things, there's this urgent desire to immerse myself in the fabulousness that surrounds me. Fortunately I don't find myself in those places very often.

With the creative marketing these days, not to mention a whole industry of psychology professionals who know exactly how to tempt our desires into action, there's little wonder we soon find ourselves emptying our pockets and our wallets into someone else's welcoming bank accounts.

There is definitely a choice between living with depth and meaning in our lives, and being attracted by all that froth at the top of the beer. These opportunities are a great test of our commitment to authenticity.

There's no denying that I want to consume the beauty and comfort in the lusciousness of the beautifully arranged windows and shopping mall displays. And then I'm reminded about what feels most joyful to live with.

For me my greatest pleasure comes from finding something that I love, maybe restoring or repurposing it, in some way making it my own, and then placing it and preparing to use it as I intend. These items have history and it's my turn to share that history, to develop memories that will add life and enable me to partake of their endless charm.

For me it's about building a style, not adopting one.

It's about feeling into my own tastes and preferences and finding the perfect match and not be seduced by the magic of make believe atmospheres and transplanting them into my home.

It's about finding individual items that might add to those memories. An exquisite throw rug, an interesting piece of art, and fabulous candelabra.

There's a depth and wholeness to living simply. As I look around me I am surrounded by pieces of me. Books, ornaments, furniture, clothing and comfort that have supported me for many years. I wouldn't trade a thing. Well, not yet anyway.

Next time you're crazy head over heels with the next fabulous thing, take a pause over a steamy hot cup of coffee or a deliciously light tea to feel into the long term value that this thing will bring you. Work it into your history and see if it has a place there. Live it into your past and reflect on its offerings.


Simple Abundance

366 days Towards Self-Mastery

When I considered my New Year's intentions for 2020 I had just one: To allow my heart to love what it loved...and let it lead me. (If not now, then when?)

I've spent months working on integrating my life. To live life more fully with my home life, my interests, my work, my responsibilities, all coming together, all connected. I want to give each the attention that they desire and need, and still have time and energy for the others. That means living and working from the heart.

As I was clearing out my bookshelf over the Christmas break I discovered Simple Abundance. I set it aside to explore it on New Year's Day as I lazed through another delicious day of nothingness. Sarah, the author, says this book is about living in grace. Living in grace I realised, is about Self-Mastery.

My thirst for understanding the human condition has driven me all my life, and hand-in-hand with self-mastery it has been a life-long goal. And seeing as I love to write, that living in grace is about self-mastery, and I love a bit of a challenge, then if I am truly going to let my heart lead, I really don't have any other choice. So scary as it feels, I'm starting out on a daily mission of leaning into the suggestions of this daybook and making a daily post to keep me accountable. If not now, then when?

I'm Josie. You can find out a little more about me here.

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy: by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

This book is written for the Australian and NZ market because it refers to seasonal changes. It's available on Amazon here if you'd like to follow along.


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