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  • Writer's pictureJosie Coco

Healing from Emotional Neglect and Abuse

Healing from childhood emotional neglect and abuse is a journey to self-recovery when you work with Josie in Maleny

Emotional neglect and abuse are subtle yet deeply impactful experiences that can shape our lives in profound ways. Emotional neglect occurs when our emotional needs are consistently unmet, often stemming from caregivers who are emotionally unavailable or dismissive of our feelings. Abuse, on the other hand, involves intentional harm inflicted through manipulation, criticism, or outright cruelty. Both can leave lasting scars, affecting our self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being.

healing from emotional neglect and abuse

What Is Emotional Neglect and Abuse?

You might recognise that you've experienced emotional neglect when reflecting on certain questions: When something scary happened, who comforted you? Who celebrated your achievements, big or small? Who helped you understand your emotions when you felt overwhelmed? If these questions are hard to answer or if your childhood memories are vague beyond having a "good family life," you might have faced emotional neglect.


Signs that emotional neglect still impacts you today could include feeling unsure if you've ever been truly able to enjoy life or questioning the meaning of life. You might notice that you can be around people as long as they don't demand too much of your time and energy. Despite loving your partner or children, you might not feel the warmth you expected, or you might feel emotionally numb—neither experiencing happiness nor sadness, not particularly animated nor interested but rather a general dullness of the senses, fogginess of the mind. You might wonder if life is meant to be better than this. Even after you've achieved all your material goals you feel a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. Life hasn't turned out the way you thought it would. Spending a lot of time alone, and needing a lot of time to recharge could also be a sign.

How does counselling help with emotional neglect and abuse?

Counselling brings you into awareness of what was missing in your early years. Trauma-informed therapists, especially those experienced in attachment trauma and inner child work, help you recognize the emotional elements that were lacking so that you can address those needs now. This process helps your nervous system and hence your sense of well-being recalibrate, enabling you to enjoy a more enriching life experience.

Techniques Used in Counselling for Emotional Abuse

Along with a therapist who is experienced with attachment trauma, the key to finding the right technique for you is in choosing a therapist that you resonate with.

In the realm of counselling techniques, Gestalt therapy stands out for its focus on the present moment and holistic approach to healing. Gestalt therapists help clients explore how unresolved emotional neglect continues to affect their lives today. By reconnecting with what was missing at a time you were left with unmet needs, clients learn to integrate fragmented parts of themselves, leading to greater self-awareness and emotional enrichment. In this way clients reclaim agency over their emotional lives. Gestalt Therapists guide clients through a relational/conversational approach, with simple experiential moments to reveal unresolved needs directly. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of oneself and cultivates healthier ways of adjusting in relationship with yourself and others.

The Journey Towards Healing

Healing from emotional neglect and abuse is not a linear process but a courageous journey towards self-discovery and self-compassion. Through counselling, individuals learn to validate their own emotional experiences, discover self-beliefs that are not serving them, and cultivate meaningful connections. Each session becomes a step closer to reclaiming personal power and embracing a life enriched by empathy, resilience, and authenticity.


In conclusion, while emotional neglect and abuse may leave enduring scars, it does not define our future. With the support of a skilled therapist and a commitment to self-growth, healing becomes not just possible but transformative. By honouring our past experiences and nurturing our present day selves, we pave the way for a future filled with healing, hope, and genuine connection.

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Josie Coco MGestTherapy

Meet Josie - Counselling and Psychotherapy

PACFA Clinical Reg. #27254

Together we’ll explore obstacles to healing from emotional neglect and abuse. You are welcome to seek more information here. And make a time to discover if I am the right therapist for you here. Let's talk.


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