What is it about being visible that is just so terrifying?
Overcoming the terror of promoting your business online via LIVES and video is your number one priority if you are going to survive start-up.

What’s happening inside you as you consider stepping up to the camera?
A massive drop in your energy levels?
Or perhaps a strong urge to run!
Are you breaking out into a sweat?
Are you experiencing palpitations?
Maybe you feel as if you have a huge, choking lump in your throat.
Perhaps you’re having difficulty breathing.
That thought of being visible is triggering old stories that you are holding onto, and they are showing up in your body as the symptoms that you experience.
The result is that these symptoms create an obstacle to your success by sabotaging your efforts to confidently be visible for your business.
Because we are ALL unique with our own unique stories and experiences, the solution is also unique to each and every one of us.
The solution is to do the INNER WORK
When you do the inner work you’ll discover your story about not being enough.
You’ll discover the age at which this story became alive for you.
You'll discover how this story shaped and crafted your life experiences.
You’ll discover the influence on you of the other people involved with this story, and their role in your life.
You’ll discover where this story is having the greatest impact in your body.
As you become experienced at doing the inner work
You’ll discover how this story threads back into your ancestral lines.
You’ll notice other family members who experience the same story line.
You’ll discover your unique way to release this story from your body and your mind, and eventually from your soul.
And then these discoveries will...
...enable you to clear this story away and allow the real you to shine through.
You’ll wonder why you ever felt nervous about sharing your message.
Your business will become energized as you attract to you the clients you’ve been waiting for.
Your relationships will become exactly as you always wanted them to be.
You’ll understand the world differently, and with renewed clarity and calmness.
And your life will be changed in other ways that you can’t even yet imagine.
The INNER WORK is the work of clearing away the debris
...of so many other people’s opinions, expectations, beliefs and rules that you have inadvertently taken on as your own.
The clearer you become, the more of the true you shines through, the more enjoyable your life will become.

Join me for my course "THE INNER WORK". My life's work defined in a simple process that you can make your own. Life becomes easier, work becomes more enjoyable, businesses thrive when you do the inner work.

Discover the core problem, solve it. That’s the inner work process that you want to work with when you’re a business woman who knows that being the best version of herself builds the best version of her business, yet the demands of family, home, and work compete for your time and headspace. I’m a Health and Well-being Mentor and a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner of BodyTalk Consciousness-Based Energy Psychology. You are welcome to seek more information and work with me here.