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Josephine Coco

Also T/A Josie Coco Gestalt Psychotherapist, and (sometimes) Solutions Beyond Strategies with Josie Coco

ABN 79 605 361 521

Terms and Conditions

Our Policies

This website is owned and operated by Josephine Coco (ABN 79 605 361 521) from now on referred to as me, we, us, our, my or I. Using my services or website, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agree, without limitation to be bound by these terms and conditions. I reserve the right to amend, add, modify, delete or make corrections to this website at any time without notice. For this reason, I suggest you review these terms and conditions whenever you use this site.



Josephine Coco does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this site and sessions provided by Josephine Coco in no way are intended to replace advice from your qualified medical professional or health care provider.


Intellectual Property and Copyright

All content available on this website including: text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, formulas remain the property of Josephine Coco protected by Australian copyright laws.


You may not without the prior written permission of Josephine Coco, copy, modify, alter, download, publish, broadcast, distribute, sell or transfer any of the data or content found on this site.



Discounted Package Pricing is conditional on full payment being made at the time of booking the package. Payment plans may be requested, however Josephine Coco retains complete discretion in offering payment plans.


Our Cancellation Policy

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel an order, appointment or session package for any of the following reasons: limitations on supplies available; problems identified by our credit department; the use of obscene, profane or threatening language in messages to us.


We will contact you if all or any portion of your order or session package is cancelled or if additional information is required to accept your request.


Client Cancellation Policy

In the unlikely event that you are not happy with a service that we have provided, we will, at our discretion:


  1. for individual sessions on a pay-as-you-go basis, 24 hours notice is required to enable that calendar event to be filled by someone else, otherwise payment in full is required

  2. if it is a multi-session package, and you have given us a minimum of 72 hours notice prior to the next scheduled session, we will charge the already used portion of the package at the standard published per session rate, and refund the remainder of the funds that you have paid to you at our earliest convenience

  3. if it is a multi-session package and you have given us less than a minimum of 72 hours notice prior to the next scheduled session, we will charge the already used portion of the package at the rate outlined in point 2, PLUS the next scheduled session at the standard per session rate, and refund the remainder of the funds that you have paid, to you at our earliest convenience

  4. if you purchase tickets to attend an event and are unable to attend, you may transfer your ticket to someone of your choosing. We may exercise, at our discretion, a “no refund” policy for this type of purchase

  5. if you have paid a deposit for a service, we may exercise, at our discretion a "no refund" policy

Package Expiry Dates - refunds are not applicable on expired packages


If you have purchased a multi-session package from us which we offer from time to time, you must use your sessions within the prescribed times unless the terms of a specific package or course states otherwise, as follows:

  • 10 session package - all sessions must be completed within 12 months of the purchase date

  • 5 session package - all sessions must be completed within 6 months of the purchase date


Back-order Policy

We will attempt at all times to keep stock availability up to date. Items that are currently unavailable will not be able to be ordered online. In the unlikely event you order an item that we don’t have in stock, or if we are unable to completely fulfil your order, then we will contact you to see if there is another way to fulfil your order. In the event that this is not possible your funds will be returned to you.


Returns Policy

Josephine Coco promises a high quality service on all levels. While we take all care to deliver the highest quality goods and services to you, if you receive damaged, faulty or incorrect products, we are happy to replace the goods at no extra charge.


Please choose your items carefully as we do not refund or replace products that have been incorrectly ordered by you or where the information provided to us to ascertain the necessary products to send to you has been incomplete or inaccurate.


Privacy Policy

Josephine Coco regards the protection of your personal information as highly important. As part of our commitment to good privacy practice we have adopted the National Privacy Principles prescribed by the Privacy Act (Cwth) 1988 . This Privacy Policy tells you how we collect, use, distribute and protect your personal information.


Information we collect

In order to provide you with product and services that will best meet your needs, we may need to collect and use your personal health information. The type of information we may collect normally includes:


  • Identity and contact details

  • Credit card details, billing information

  • Information about your health and/or medical history

  • Information about treatment provided to you

  • Details about your current lifestyle

  • Date of birth, marital status and family details

Purpose of collection & use of personal information

The purpose for which we collect this information is to assist us:

  • in establishing a knowledgeable relationship with you about your health story prior to sessions

  • in providing you with further information about products and special deals

  • in seeking your opinion or comments about our products and/or services

  • in carrying out billing and/or debt recovery activities

We will not use your personal information for any purpose which is not related to your dealings with us or for any purpose which you would not reasonably expect us to use the information. We will not disclose information about you to anyone else unless the disclosure:

  • is required by law; or

  • is authorised by law (for example, to protect our interest or where we have a duty to the public to disclose that information); or

  • registered therapist have mandatory reporting requirements for any information that may lead to harm to yourself or others

  • is mandatory under under the Child Protection Act 1999 - if at any time we suspect that a child in your care is at risk of neglect and/or abuse

  • would benefit an elder, a pet, or anyone else who we consider may be at risk of neglect and/or abuse - we will report this to the police for a safety check 

​With best practice principles, we will make our best endeavours to discuss any reporting we are actioning with you, however we are not required by law to inform you.

Quality & Correction

At all times we strive to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If at any time you believe the personal information that we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, you should let us know. We will use all reasonable efforts to correct the information.


We collect personal information from our website if you subscribe to our mailing lists and opt-ins, and order products on line. We also collect your personal information through out booking system. Personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it. By using our website:

  1. you agree that if you submit your personal information to us, we may create a data base record about you;

  2. you agree that we may contact you with information about products, special offers and updates (unless you have informed us that you do not wish to receive these communications)

Links to other websites

Our website may provide links to websites outside of our site. These linked sites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the conduct of companies linked to our website. We won't give them your information, however before disclosing your personal information on any other website, we advise you to examine the terms and conditions of those websites.


You must obtain our written permission to make any hyperlinks with this website.


Other privacy details

Occasionally we'll connect with you on social media platforms. The cookies this sites uses when you visit with us enables us to connect with you in these ways. We have removed the Facebook tracking pixel. We use google analytics to track the sorts of moves you make on our site. This helps us to understand your needs better and our aim will be to promote our services to meet your needs.

Complaints Handling

Josephine Coco offers complete customer care. If there is any concern as you interact with us, now and in the future, please contact us on our contact form.

Your complaint with be attended within the shortest possible timeframe. You can expect to hear from us within 24 hours of receiving your contact. We will endeavor to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and in collaboration with you. We will endeavor to continue to work on your complaint until you are fully satisfied with the outcome.


Ethical Guidelines for Practice 

As a registered member of PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia), I subscribe to PACFA Code of Ethics as published on their website and can be found at this link.

Client Relationships
  • I/we shall endeavour to serve the best interests of my clients at all times and to provide the highest quality service possible.

  • I/we shall maintain clear and honest communications with my clients and shall keep client communications confidential.

  • I/we shall provide clients the opportunity to give their written consent to therapy sessions and inform them that they have the right to withdraw or terminate their consent at any time, in accordance with local law. By providing your details on our Health and Well-being form you are providing your consent to receive sessions.


  • I/we shall maintain the highest standards of professional conduct, providing services in an ethical and professional manner in relation to my clientele, other health care professionals, and the general public. 

  • I shall respect the rights of all practitioners and will cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner.

  • I/we shall refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to, or during, professional sessions.

  • I/we shall endeavour to the best of my ability and circumstance to continue my education in Psychotherapy and stay abreast of the latest developments.

  • 1/we shall not conduct a session or sessions on any other persons at the request of a 3rd person, without the consent of the person who is to receive the session/s.


Scope of Practice/Appropriate Techniques
  • I/we shall not perform manipulations or adjustments of the human skeletal structure, diagnose, prescribe, or provide any other service, procedure, or therapy which requires a license to practice, such as chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, podiatry, orthopaedics, acupuncture, dermatology, cosmetology, or any other profession or branch of medicine and healthcare unless specifically licensed to do so.

  • At times I/we will assess the range of motion of particular joints however no force will be applied.


Image/Advertising Claims
  • I/we shall strive to project a professional image for myself, my business or place of employment, and my profession in general.

  • I/we shall actively participate in educating the public regarding the actual benefits of therapy for mental wellness.

  • I/we shall practice honesty in advertising, promote my services ethically and in good taste, and practice and/or advertise only those techniques for which I have received adequate training and/or certification.

  • I/we shall not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered, including claims of “cures,” healing of specific conditions, etc.


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